Lia's BK nonsense

The tech corner

Fan translations and other tools

Stating the obvious

Emulation is a legal grey area. Downloading ISOs from the internet instead of dumping them yourself from copies you bought is not (it's illegal). The authors of the tools and patches listed below went to great pain to thread the needle by making them functional only from existing ISOs. Understand why that is: if you ask me for help, you'll get a primer in running bash scripts, not a convenient download. See also:

Eternal Wings (GameCube)

Undub patches are not uncommon, and the... uniqueness of the voicework in Eternal Wings certainly motivated someone to make one of those. Courtesy of delroth, you can use bk-undub to create a version of the game that has Japanese voices but English text. Notes:

Relevant twitter threads of mine:

Origins (GameCube)

While Eternal Wings was released in a whole bunch of languages, Origins never made it to Europe and so the only available translation is in English. There are however fan translations available. Note that I play in English myself and so have no idea what the quality of those is like.

HD Remaster

The HD Remaster shipped with English voices only. Despite Eternal Wings' English voices being what they are, they hold a significant nostalgia factor and many were sorry to see them go. Additionally, the English voicework in Origins is genuinely excellent. And so this time, what's available is a redub patch, that additionally undoes some of the goofier text changes such as turning the beer into "wheat tea". Helsionium is once more to credit for this one.

The GameCube's a cool console

No, really, the GameCube's a cool console. Nowadays console architectures are fairly similar to what you find on a computer (or a mobile phone, for the Switch). But back in the days, things were much weirder.

Dolphin, being an emulator, is therefore tackling the fun problem of figuring out exactly what was going on in that adorable box. The result is that the Dolphin devblog is a fantastic place to start learning about how things work. Some of the blog posts I've found especially interesting:

Other resources about the beast:

Eternal Wings, "Graphics programmers can't play games normally" edition

One problem with getting into graphics programming is that it fucks up your eyes. By which I mean, you train yourself to see things differently - it's part of the job to spot glitches or quirks typical of a given technique. Best part? It's contagious! Rant aloud about shadows not being occluded properly enough times, and the person whose game you were watching and commenting on will also start wasting entire minutes squinting at pixels. It's very funny.

Said sharp eyes resulted in my Eternal Wings playthrough being interrupted by a lot of "AHA". Links to all those remarks are archived here so I have them somewhere to check on a newer version of the emulator or something.

Poking at it all in RenderDoc

RenderDoc is a fantastic free graphics debugger that allows you to see how things are rendered. I shared a bit of the process on Twitter, but those threads aren't in the archive yet. Note that the Twitter threads are purposefully kept non-graphics-programmer friendly: I deeply believe in demystifying our craft.